Saturday, June 18, 2016

Popes were cruel,racists,pedophiles,deceitful,aggressive,fraudulent,revengeful,murderous,corrupt,sex&incest loving

Like the OT god,  the popes have been jealous, petty, vindictive, bloodthirsty, cruel, genocidal, and racists. They were pedophiles, sex-power-money-hungry and full of hatred, avarice and revenge like the present day priests, bishops, cardinals & popes. Papacy has a criminal history of deceit, aggression, frauds, revenge, war, murder, corruption, sedition, sex and incest. Popes indulged in sex with others’ wives /own illegitimate kids and made them next popes. They enjoyed being rich and did everything to become so and hated the poor unlike Christ who was the poorest of the poor and chaste.
Papacy portrays centuries of trafficking in ecclesiastical appointments, deceit, scandals, immorality, aggression, frauds, murder and cruelty. Many of the popes were criminal, bloodthirsty and debauched virgins. The papal office has an unparalleled record of corruption and criminality over the centuries, and the true history of the popes is one of scandals and cruelty, warfare and moral depravity. There was a time when whores ruled papal courts and decided on godly things. 
Image result for worst popes
The Catholic historian and Archbishop of New York, John Cardinal Farley has admitted the popes didn't sternly insist upon sexual virtue and justice and that so many popes were not only decadent but were also the most savage and perfidious of military strategists. Bishop Frotheringham says many of the popes were men of the most abandoned lives. Some were magicians (occultists); others were noted for sedition, war, slaughter and profligacy of manners, for avarice and simony. 
St. Damascus (366-84),1st pontiff  killed his adversaries. Pope sixtus 111 ( 432-440) was accused of debauching a virgin. St. Leo the great (440-61) was applauded for the massacre of Priscillianists. St. Symmachus (498-514) is famous for the most heinous crimes. St. Hormisdas(514-23) was a married man and he raised his son to pope-dom.  Boniface (530-32) ex-communicated &fought his rival. Pope Vigilus (537-55) was elected by bribery. He obeyed only empress Theodora who gave him money to gain the suffrage of the clergy.  Pope Sabinian (604-6) was cruel to the poor. In a famine he raised the price of corn exorbitantly. St. Gergius 1 (687-701) had purchased his position by pawning the ornaments of the tomb of St. Peter. He was accused of adultery and of fathering a child illegally. St Gregory 11 (715-31) endowed monasteries with the goods of the poor. Stephen 111 (768-772) dislodged his rivals and scooped out their eyes. Adrian (772-95) collided with Irene the murderess of her son to restore image worship. St. Pascal (817-24) was accused of murdering and mutilating 2 Roman priests. Nicholas (858-67) excommunicated Photius, the Greek patriarch. Adrian (867-72) was a married priest and collided with a murderer of the emperor. John V111(872-82) cut the throats of so many Saracen chief men through the bishop of Naples. Formosus (891-96) had been repeatedly excommunicated by John V111. Sergius III, Pope from 897 to 911 ordered the murder of another pope and fathered an illegitimate son who later became pope. Stephen V1 (896-7) hated his predecessor and exhumed his body and made it sit in a chair to face trial in the made-up Cadaver Synod, and was found guilty and cut his three fingers and the remains were cast into the river, Tiber. John XV was Pope from 985 to 996 split the church's finances among his relatives. Pope Benedict IX a pope at 18 was homo sexual and he tried to sell papacy. Pope John XII, 955-964, was born to a 14-year  old mother sired by a man who was both his father and his grandfather who then followed tradition and took his mother as his lover. He virtually turned papal palace into a whorehouse. He raped female pilgrims. He murdered several people, and was killed by a man who caught him in bed with his wife. 

Benedict IX, who reigned 1032-1048 is considered a demon from hell who indulged in homosexuality, rape and even murder. Pope Joan, 1099-? Was thought to be a Lady! Her sex was allegedly discovered when she gave birth while riding on a horse, and died shortly thereafter. Subsequent popes had to sit on a chair with a hole in the seat and let a cardinal reach up and confirm that he had testicles. In 1045, Benedict IX resigned the papacy in order to marry and sold it to his godfather. Pope Innocent IV was Pope from 1243 to 1254 and he instituted the Inquisition approving the use of torture to extract confessions of heresy. Bruno was burnt and Galileo suffered at the hands of Roman inquisitors. Pope Boniface VIII, 1294-1303: is remembered for being placed in Dante’s eighth circle of hell in the Divine Comedy. He got into fights with King Phillip IV of France, Emperor Albert I of Hapsburg and other leaders. He was also accused of committing incest and pedophilic acts. 

Urban VI reigned from 1378 to 1389. There were 3 popes claiming the Papal throne during his reign. The cardinals who elected him decided that they had made the wrong decision and they elected a new Pope in his place, who took the name of Clement VII and started a second Papal court in Avignon, France. The pope Urban V1 tortured the cardinals who elected the new pope. Pope Alexander VI, 1492-1503 had Kids with various ladies. He liked Orgies and made his relatives the next popes.  He took much of Italy by force with the help of Lucrezia’s son, Cesare (some say her son was his). He had huge parties bordering on orgies. Pope Innocent IV: introduced torture for the Inquisition.  Pope Leo X, 1513-1521 is known primarily for the sale of indulgences to reconstruct St. Peter's Basilica and his challenging of Martin Luther's 95 theses. He borrowed money and started selling Vatican treasures: cardinals’ hats, jewelry, statues.

Pope Julius 111 1550-55 had a long love affair with Innocenzo Ciocchi del Monte which was a cause of public scandal. Pope Gregory XIII 1572-1585. Giacomo Boncompagni born in 1548 was his illegitimate son whom he made Gonfalonier of the Church, governor of the Castel Sant'Angelo, as well as governor of Fermo. Pope Leo XII (1823–1829) as a young prelate was suspected of having had a liaison with the wife of a soldier of Swiss Guard and as nuncio in Germany allegedly fathered three illegitimate children. Pius XII was pope for almost twenty years from 1939 to 1958 was silent during the Holocaust in Germany.

The Vatican’s history has been a shockingly one, its heads harbored mistresses and criminals and many of them were canonized saints; they fathered illegitimate children had large dance parties bordering on orgies; they amassed wealth and power which they used to oppress the poor and the righteous. Many of its pontiffs were promiscuous with nothing holy about them.  

Friday, June 10, 2016

Jesus fashioned after Horus,Osiris-Dionysus,Mithra,Apollonius,Krishna & Budha

Gerald Massy (1828 – 1907), an English poet and writer on Spiritualism and Ancient Egypt) has found 137 parallels between Jesus and Egyptian god, Horus which he details in His book, ‘The Natural Genesis.’ Both Horus and Jesus were born of virgins on 25th December and they died by crucifixion and resurrected three days later. He also finds a parallel between Biblical Lazarus raised by Jesus and El-Asar-Us a title of Osiris.                                    Image result for jesus krishna

 “The Jesus Mysteries: Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?” is a 1999 book by British authors Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. It is an    investigation of early Christianity prior to the 4th century CE, when direct political intervention by the Roman Emperor Constantine forced various competing Christian sects to unify under ‘the Nicene Creed.’ 
The authors systematically examine evidence from ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern civilizations for similarities of important elements of Jesus' divinity with a number of mystery religions like those of the ancient gods Osiris-Dionysus, Attis and Mithras.  There persisted manifestations of a cult of a dying and rising ‘god man myth,’ known as Osiris-Dionysus. The authors maintain that Jesus was not a historical figure, but a re-interpretation by Gnostics of the fundamental pagan god-man. Gnostics were the original sect of Christianity. The Christianity of today was not the predecessor to Gnosticism, but a later outgrowth according to them. They describe their theory as the "Jesus Mysteries thesis."

Freke and Gandy base their thesis partly on a series of parallels between their suggested biography of Osiris-Dionysus compiled from the myths of ancient dying and resurrecting god- men, and the biography of Jesus as in the four canonical gospels. The authors give a short list of parallels:

Osiris-Dionysus is God made flesh, the savior and "Son of God."
His father is God and his mother is a mortal virgin, He is born in a cave or humble cowshed on 25 December before three shepherds.
He offers his followers the chance to be born again through baptism.
He miraculously turns water into wine at a marriage ceremony.
He rides triumphantly into town on a donkey while people wave palm leaves to honor him.
He dies at Easter time as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.
After his death he descends to hell, and then on the third day he rises from the dead and ascends to heaven in glory.
His followers await his return as the judge during the Last Days.
His death and resurrection are celebrated by a ritual meal of bread and wine, which symbolize his body and blood like the Christina Eucharistic ritual.
The story of Jesus is pretty close to that of Osiris-Dionysus.                                                                      There is an amulet depicting the god Dionysus on a cross, very similar to the way we see crucified Christ’s picture. Christianity could have copied the crucifixion account from this Greek god. 

Kersey Graves (1813-1883), compared Yeshua's (Jesus’s) and Krishna's life. He found out what he believed were 346 elements in common within the Christian and the Hindu writings. This appears to be overwhelming evidence that some incidents in Jesus' life were copied from Krishna's. Some of his parallels are fallacious but others are not. Both were sent from heaven as a God and both were divine and human. A local dictator tried to eliminate them as children and their parents fled from the dictator. Mary and Joseph stayed in Muturea; Krishna's parents stayed in Mathura.  Both Yeshua and Krishna withdrew to the wilderness as adults, and fasted for some days. Both claimed they had existed before their birth on earth and were without sin. Both cast out indwelling demons, and raised the dead. Both celebrated a last supper and forgave their enemies. They were both considered omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

 There is a striking parallel between the story of Jesus and one of the Greek Gods, Apollonius of Tyana, a contemporary of Jesus of Nazarene. Apollonius also healed the sick and the crippled, restored sight to the blind, casted out demons and so on. His birth was of a virgin, foretold by an angel. He knew scripture really well as a child. But at the end of his life he roused opposition, and his enemies delivered him over to the Roman authorities for judgment. He was crucified, rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples to prove his power before going to heaven to sit at the right hand of the father. He was known as, “The Son of God”. Later some of his followers wrote books about him.

Mithras had 12 disciples, and when he was done on earth he had a final meal before going up to heaven. On the final day he will return to pass judgment on the living and the dead. The good will go to heaven, and the evil will die in a giant fire. His followers called themselves “brothers”, and their leaders “fathers”. They had baptism and a meal ritual where symbolic flesh and blood were eaten. Heaven was in the sky, and hell was below with demons and sinners. This is what St. Paul taught the early Christians. 

The writers of gospels, for obvious reasons, introduced a number of miracles into the life of Christ; as many of the young gods of the cults walked over water, cured the crippled, gave sight to the blind, made water into wine in a marriage party and rose up the dead. All the gods of the mystery cults resurrected and the founder of the new religion, Jesus Christ, could not be an exception. The evangelists introduced the story of the empty tomb, disappearance of his body from his grave and his apparition to some women and disciples. Jesus had been made to resurrect on the third day.
Against the Greco-Roman background, a new religion had to have a god as its founder and not a poor man, the Nazarene; hence the evangelists elevate him to godhood. This god, like all the gods of the mystery cults, had to be born of a virgin mother. Thus the writer-preachers adopt the story of Immaculate Conception with god’s angel appearing to Mary and so on.

Even Buddha‘s mother was told by an angel that she would give birth to a holy child destined to be a savior. As a child Buddha teaches the priests in his temple about religion while his parents look for him. He starts his religious career at roughly 30 years of age and is said to have spoken to 12 disciples on his deathbed. One of the disciples was a traitor and another favorite. He and his disciples abstain from wealth and travel around speaking in parables and metaphors. He called himself “the son of man” and was referred to as, “prophet”, “master”, and “Lord”. He healed the sick, cured the blind and the deaf, and he walked on water. 

This is what we see in the four gospels too.          

Saturday, May 7, 2016

There is no god anywhere

I know there is no god- just like I know there is no ghost or there is no use for magic. There is no being or phenomena outside the scope of natural law. We may have cognitive limitations and we may not be able to explain everything in this universe. But the knowledge of mine is adequate and full; I don’t have any doubt. I had gone through the theology of religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism-the chief monotheistic religions--and I have found no reasonable ground for thinking there is an Almighty  who created humans, protects and takes care of them. 

Yahweh was the tribal god of the Israelite tribe who later became their only god. There are differences of opinion as to how a tribal deity evolved into the Almighty. This god of Judaism was later adopted as the Supreme Being of Christians and still later by Muslims.  

The reward and punishment which the respective gods have advocated as reasons for creating humans are simply nonsense. Why does god create children- half of all men and women have died before reaching adulthood- without attaining the ability to merit heaven or hell.  I have also known Eastern religions like Hinduism & Buddhism and there is no evidence for a god there too. Hindus have deified nature phenomena and believes even earth, snake, tree, fire et all are gods. It is very easy to see how people came to believe all these. Buddhism and Jainism and even Confucians do not have the concept of god in the real sense of the term.

I am an atheist since I was 19 and my beliefs are well-thought out, weighed and solidified. Having born in a catholic family and having undergone training for Catholic priesthood I can vouchsafe there is no god whatsoever.  As Stephen Hawking has said there is no need for a god to explain this universe. As Einstein has said there is no soul and once our brain stops functioning everything is over in a blink, our consciousness is shut off forever. 
The difference between a believer of a particular religion and another is much more than the difference between an atheist and a theist. Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Jains, Taoists, Confucians -all- do not believe Jesus was god or that he came down, got crucified to atone for the sins of man.  All religious believers other than Muslims do not think that Quran was directly dictated by god.  Protestants disagree with Catholics about the virginity of Mary. Hindus think there are many gods unlike monotheistic Muslims, Christians and Jews.  Except Christians and Muslims no one thinks of a heaven or hell. The ultimate goal of life for Hindus is emancipation from the cycle of birth and rebirth and for Buddhists it is Nirvana.

Each community believes what they do, not because it is the objective truth but because most people don’t have reasons beyond being comfortable with one community rather than another.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Popes apologize...

Pope John Paul II made a sweeping apology for the Church’s 2,000 years of violence, persecution and blunders from the Altar of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome on March 13, 2000. He sought forgiveness for the sins committed against Jews, heretics, women, Gypsies and native peoples. He had also pleaded for a future that would not repeat the mistakes. "Never again," he had said.

The present Pope Francis has already agreed that one in 50 priests (including bishops and cardinals) is a pedophile which is 'leprosy' infecting the Catholic Church. He also said that many more in the Church are guilty of covering it up, adding: ‘This state of affairs is intolerable.’ He added that the Church needed to apologize and explain how ‘utterly devastated’ it was about its history of child abuse. He has not explicitly mentioned how its priests and bishops sexually abuse girls, nuns, women, wives and others.

It is time for the present pope to make another apology to mankind for the Church’s policies against abortion and artificial contraception. The poor proliferate and their life is a real agony now as it has ever been. There are billions living in abject poverty now. The heavenly father who feeds the birds of the air does not help them at all. According to the United Nations World Magazine the Vatican’s treasure of solid gold amounts to several billion dollars! The golden throne of the pope will fetch a very good price too.  Further, the church is the biggest real estate owner; it has large investments in the leading banks of the world and has more wealth than any government or corporation in the world. Anyone would be outraged of the Church’s wealth and why don’t they help the millions of the poor, the sick, and the orphaned?  Is it not defying the express command of its founder, Jesus who ordered to sell everything and give it to the poor?  

Monday, February 22, 2016

10 common sense reasons why there cannot be a god

1.      The presence of an eternal hell where the souls of men and women are roasted for some temporal sins they committed in their earthly life. The said punishment is unimaginably disproportionate to the crime. No timeless or temporal Being can punish anyone so cruelly. It is against every natural justice.

2.      God chooses a small tribe as his own and conducts bloody wars killing other tribes to settle them.  He lets his tribe kill the elderly and children, burn orchards, and take virgin females as sexual slaves. An Almighty cannot love only a small stupefied nomadic peasant-tribe to the exclusion of all the others.
3.       He wanted animal and human sacrifice; the sweet smell of the blood and fatty meat was required to appease His anger, to make Him pleased and to pardon the sins of his people. Animals are also His creations and no sensible Being would want to kill that which He created.

4.       He sent His angels to slit the throat of the children of Egyptians. Can we assume God creates children and then cuts their throats to punish His enemy?

5.       God wants circumcision and genital mutilation!  Can a supernatural Being be more vulgar and stupid?

6.       In most of the religious books women are oppressed. They are pictured as instruments for man’s pleasure which is an utter nonsense and incompatible with the genetic and biological make up of man and woman and the universality of any god.

7.       All major religions disintegrated into thousands of warring sects that culminated into prolonged and bloody wars. Catholic Church excommunicated the heads of the Patriarch of the East, the ruler of England, Martin Luther, John Calvin and many others and thus paved the way for bloody and prolonged conflicts.  Martin Luther opposed the pope’s selling of indulgences as it was wrong to assume that souls would be freed of their punishment in purgatory by giving money to the Pope. Islam has also diversified into opposing sects that wage bloody battles.

8.       Inter-religious rivalry has ended up in major wars like crusades, Hindu-Muslim, Jewish Arab wars, of the medieval and modern times killing millions. Man’s hatred towards his co-traveler starts from his desire to prove the superiority of the God he believes in.  

9.       There is nothing divine in the history of any religion. There was a time in the Church history when harlots ruled papacy and the illegitimate sons of the popes became the next pontiffs. Many powerful rulers like the king of France and the German emperor chose popes of their whim and fancy.
The inquisition courts of the Catholic Church labeled many honest people as heretics and burnt them at stake. It burnt English men like John Wycliffe and William Tyndale who translated the Bible into English. It burnt Bruno and persecuted Galileo for advocating the heliocentric theory. Even during their times the Catholic Church stood for the foolish geocentric theory. Inquisition courts from 1100s to 1808 routinely arrested and tortured Jews, Muslims, dubious Christians and numerous other religious followers. The tortures were beyond belief, including hanging by the toes or thumbs, toe crushing, bone breaking, simple beatings, foot roasting, and blinding by red-hot pokers. After such tortures, the condemned was strangled, and then burned at the stake. The so-called “witches” were rounded up tortured, burnt and slaughtered for centuries throughout Europe. The average total of the dead is around 100,000. Even the capable Joan of Arc was burnt at stake.

10.    Modern church has more wealth than any government or corporation but it does not help the poor at all. The clergy lead a licentious and luxurious life here. Jesus said: “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor.”  Christ also said in unequivocal terms ‘love your neighbor.’ The Catholic Church has flaunted both of these commandments since its inception. 
There is no help coming from above and the poor proliferate making their lives a pure agony. Still why is the Church against abortion, artificial contraception? According to the United Nations World Magazine the Vatican’s treasure of solid gold amounts to several billion dollars! The golden throne of the pope must fetch a very good price. Jesus was the poorest of the poor-he had no home, no good food, not even a pillow upon which to rest his head. Roman Catholicism, which claims to be His church, is the richest and the wealthiest institution on earth. Anyone would be outraged of the Church’s wealth and why don’t they help the poor, the destitute, the suffering and the sick? Is it not proof-enough that it doesn't believe in its own God? 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Life after a century

When you sit and think about 100 years ahead, the whole scene is hazy and vague. It is not practical to look that far into future with any precision whatsoever. How will life be in the 22nd century? What will all be the innovative technologies?  No one can certainly predict them. However, we can create a vague picture based on the present-day life, technologies and developments. I had already published an article on the same topic in the internet site, almost 10 years back and this is an improved version.
It is now commonly accepted that humans are growing taller. In a century the American average height grew by 2”. But there is no way to know whether this height increase will continue unabated. If so, after a millennium people will be 1’8” taller what they are today-which is highly improbable. How human body and gravity  react to the height change is yet to be seen.
Longevity is going to increase. Average life span has already reached 85 years in the advanced nations and it will, after a century, peak at 110 or more. There will be many who will be living beyond 120. Major killers of today-heart attacks, diabetes and cancer would become curable and preventable. Embedded and wearable biosensors will track our physiological metrics and hospitals will be less frequented except for operations or special procedures.
In the advanced nations, emphasize will probably be on super-intelligent and disease free kids. Genetic engineering and biotechnology would remove all traits of genetically transmitted afflictions and help bring more intelligent, healthy and better humans. There is a lot of research going on  to prolong human life. With Ray Kurzweil, I believe will man succeed in conquering ageing. In another century, perhaps, man will decide when he will die. We are already on the verge of synthesizing successful anti-cancer drugs. Creating effective immune drugs will be a great leap in the medical field.  It is thought that Nano robots will flow around our body, fixing cells, and they will be able to even record our memories! Now Nano-robots and non-technology are both fast growing and developing. Electronic immortality technology will be available at reasonable cost too.
Family structure will erode and very few women will opt for permanent marriage or child bearing. More will rent wombs or resort to artificial insemination (many couples are already opting for it). Marriages of convenience will be more sought after. As man is going to live beyond 100 years it is highly improbable to assume that a couple would stay that long together. Will marriage be replaced by annual contracts? The already weakened family-bonds are bound to erode further and there will be professional homes to bring up children. Gay marriage will increase and some scholars say 80% of all marriages will be gay –which looks too high an estimate. Gender discrimination is bound to close even in the most backward regions. 
Human population as per the present estimates will stabilize around 10 billion by 2050 and then gradually decline. Already there is a negative growth rate in the advanced nations. To feed 10 billion, man may resort to tapping oceans more and better methods of agriculture would be around. A revolution can be expected in food habits and food production. The elaborate cooking now seen commonly will be gone and ready-made-foods cooked in electronic bakeries will be in vogue.
All of us know there will be a communication revolution. Every nook and corner will access Internet using smartphone or other communication device rather than PCs. The world would have shrunk further. There are futurologists who think man will be able to communicate with each other though brain waves without seeing or hearing. Some sort of a telepathic communication will be highly probable. But as humans love physical contact, this development may not be accepted all that easily. Man will be using computers to make our brains work faster and more efficient. By the end of this century people, at least in the developed world, will use machine-augmentation of some sort. Picking up thoughts of one brain, recording and transmitting the same to another may become possible too.
Another safe bet seems to be in the area of space travel. There will definitely be a strong acceleration of space development and there will be organized vertical tours. As space travel is not going to be all that cheap only a select class will be able to enjoy them. There is also a thinking that science and technology will develop new ways for covering long distances and our present-day trains and air planes will give way to more sophisticated and faster models.
A few languages like English will become much more prominent and as link language. We will witness the gradual dying down of little spoken languages and linguistic communities. They are already dying. Perhaps Mandarin, French, German and Hindi may be around even after a century.
Solar energy would be used much more replacing conventional fossil-fuel based energy sources. Wind and tidal energy would be tapped too. Let us hope there comes a time when our roads and environment would be less polluted with solar powered automobiles, offices and homes.
No appreciable climate change is expected as this large earth has good resilient power to absorb minor changes in the content of its atmospheric gases. There will be neither a serious warming nor any flooding of low lying areas. The eco system will go on undisturbed. Some more species will go extinct and a few new ones discovered. We will have new technology to control whether: it is possible that man will be able to diffuse tornadoes and hurricanes and he will try to make rain where he wants.  Development in technologies like geo-engineering will protect humans against some of the adverse climatic natural calamities.
There will be a full rush to develop the artic area for commercial use: It should be possible to do so without damaging nature.  There will be tension as to who all will have the control over the region's resources and in finding equitable and sustainable ways to share them.
The chance for the emergence of a world government or a single currency is receding. There will be a further fragmentation of large nations. See how the former USSR has split up into so many! Now there is already a move to cede California from USA.  Richer regions don’t want to share their wealth with the poorer ones.  On a single world currency possibility, it is good to note that the trend is actually more in the opposite direction. The internet is enabling new forms of bartering and value exchange. Local currencies are also now used by several hundred communities across the US and Europe.
 Imaginative people predict the invention of water-fuelled engines and nuclear fusion the biggest inventions of all times!  It means that the price of water will probably rise and it will contribute to the development of high-technology machines and stronger satellites. Pilot-less aircraft, submarines and ships will be plying in their respective areas.

Will religions have the mad sway which they enjoy now in the underdeveloped nations and in countries like the US? In most of the developed world people are deserting religions and becoming atheists. In one hundred years, at the present rate of deserting religions, at least 50% of the world population will be atheists. Half of all people would still be clinging to some sort of a religious belief. As the religious roots can be traced to the very beginning of man’s evolution, and as human brains have been fully programmed into god-belief it will take a few more centuries for the total death of religions and their gods. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Who was the real father&wife of Jesus

Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph. But Gospels ascribe his fatherhood to Yahweh, the Jewish God. It is strange to think that Yahweh had the endowments to impregnate Mary! His parents circumcised him as per the Jewish laws (remember the covenant of Yahweh with Abraham) and he grew up with his brothers James, Joseph (Joses), Judas (Jude) and Simon and sisters (names are not mentioned in the gospels.) It is not clear whether Yahweh fathered the brothers and sisters also –there is no mention of it in any of the gospels-or he left the job to Joseph who accepted Mary although she had cuckolded him in the first place. 

Mary and Joseph were poor people. The family grew up to be a large one (4 brothers and some sisters, as mentioned above, are given in Mark 6:3). Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus evidently got apprenticed to this trade. He grew up a Jewish boy among the Jews. He studied the Jewish scriptures first at home and then in the school attached to the synagogue. As he felt he was thorough with the Torah, he had noisy and quarrelsome arguments with the Jewish scholars.
After his birth, nothing is known of the life of this Almighty God until he reached the age of thirty years except that like Buddha he had a scholarly debate with the Jewish scholars in the Jerusalem Temple when he was twelve. He grew up an ardent Jew with fire in his belly raving against the hypocrite deeds of the Pharisees and Scribes.  He exhorted the Jews to return to the ways of the Jewish God and his laws. He started preaching when was thirty and it continued for I year as per the synoptic gospels and for two or three years according to John.  How many years he actually roamed and preached? None Knows. 

Jesus seems to have had developed a great quality like today’s Yehowa’s witnesses. He must have had learnt the skills of today’s healers mixing his preaching with halleluiahs and deafening noises. He could have been a real performer like the modern day Pentecost. He could thus cast away devils, cure nervous diseases which are termed miracles in the gospels.

With his fiery eloquence and steadfastness, he got a few rustic followers anywhere he went and there were a few women who really got attracted to him too. The beautiful Mary of Bethany -in all probability Mary Magdalene-who lived a sinful life, was the most conspicuous among them. She anointed Jesus by pouring the contents of an alabastron jar of nard (or spikenard), a very expensive perfume, which angered some of the onlookers especially Judas who felt the perfume could have been sold for a year's wages—300 denarii—and the money given to the poor!  But Jesus liked the whole episode and Mary became dearer to him. By loving a prostitute of his time he must have had become a revolutionary. 

 They probably got into a relationship that ended up in a marriage. They had a few children but the ardent preacher-gospel writers wanted to make him a virgin god unlike his own father who was quite virulent and they simply ignore this part of his life. But the gospels do mention he was a Jewish rabbi and hence he had to have a family (a wife and children). The gospels also mention about Mary’s decision to visit his body on the Sunday after the Crucifixion-to wash and anoint it. Scholars feel women of Jesus’ times never washed rabbi’s or male bodies. Only males did it —unless you were the man’s wife. Mary washed and anointed his body and this shows she was his wife.

The Lost Gospel(based on a manuscript written (570AD) on Vellum–treated animal skin-in Syriac, a language closely linked to Aramaic(spoken by Jesus) found in the British Library reveal many things previously unknown. Professor Barrie Wilson -a professor of religious studies in Toronto- and writer Simcha Jacobovici  an Israeli-Canadian film-maker who translated the text-feel the sources have enough evidence to prove Jesus and Mary were married and they had two sons. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Let the dark walls of Christendom collapse like the Berlin walls

In 1987 Reagan stood in front of the Berlin Wall and challenged his Soviet counterpart, saying General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union….come to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. The rest, as we now, is history. 29 months later the forces of Perestroika and Glasnost (restructuring and transparency) brought the Berlin wall down.

Won’t there be a statesman or an ecclesiastical dignitary to call the Pope and tell him: dear Pope, take off the veil of darkness you and your predecessors have put before innocent people like  Communism had done to the Soviets. Let there be transparency in their beliefs. Let each one understand that god-Jesus is a created myth and that he did not start Christianity. He never claimed to be the Messiah-a powerful king supposed to redeem Jews of their slavery. Let the billions  understand that the redemptory process had not been even thought about by God (there is no mention of it in the Old Testament): it was something hatched up in the brain of St. Paul. If God wanted his creation to be happy in this and in the after-life He could have had avoided the simple test he had willed for the first parents. Instead, He sent the serpent to tempt Eve to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree and she succumbed to His wily manipulations. God started roasting human souls in eternal fire from that moment and Christians are told He is love! How can he award eternal punishment for a temporary sin? 

If God gives heaven  to those who earn it only by merit using their freewill, what does he do with half of all mankind– the children who died before the age of ten- who could not use their freewill at all? And  the psychotic, the feeble-minded and the retarded who cannot even manage to survive by themselves, let alone choose freely what they do? Further, as per the latest theories, man hardly enjoys any freedom of choice and hence the whole edifice of Christendom falls down.  Let the billions of people chained by Christianity break open their fetters, become free and enter the land of inmtellectual freedom, light and truth.  

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Let all become atheists!

I just read a statement that if you believe anything strong enough, the universe makes it happen by emitting and receiving similar energies form the universe. I believe strongly that atheism is the only truth in this world. I don’t believe it for any selfish motive; it is absolutely required to make man ‘homo sapiens,’ and make him live with an independent intelligence or reasoning capability. Religions make man unrealistic, commit cruelties in the name of his god and live like drunkards striving for things like heaven that is not there at all. Further, armed with a better perspective of life, atheists are found to be more helpful to his fellow beings and they try to ease the pain of the poor and the orphaned.

All will all agree-statistics do- that atheistic societies are better in humane indices and are more law-abiding and more helpful to his neighbors than the religious ones. Gods give them freedom to kill, lie or cheat and later repent. What is the meaning of repentance when you have taken away the right of an individual to live? Even the gods have shown examples by killing millions for their selected tribe. Is there any meaning for the commandment not to kill? Is there any meaning for any commandment? They were simply plagiarized form the laws of the then advanced societies.

Pope Francis says Islam’s God is the same as that of Jews and Christians. But the three religions have been fighting each other for centuries. God fights himself! What more fucking proof we need to prove there is no god?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Is Bible-God loving or a monstrous killer?

The Catholic Church teaches and all Christians believe that the Bible God is love.

How does God’s love operate in the Bible? Throughout the books of Moses we find that God (Yahweh) is to be feared and to be appeased. In the Exodus we read how He punishes pharaoh to let the Israelite go with Moses. God turned all canals and rivers of Egypt into blood. What did the poor creatures that lived there do to die an ignominious death? He then plagued the whole land with frogs, gnats, swarms of flies and locusts. Horrible boils and blisters destroyed everything. His angels beheaded thousands of innocent first born children (there is no accurate count). Pharaoh was afraid and was willing to let the Israelite go with Moses. But in or order to punish him more, God hardened his heart at night. He sent further punishments to the land of Egypt and its  people. At last God let Pharaoh release the Israelite with Moses. He parted the red-sea waters for his people to pass. Seeing the pursuit of the Egyptian Army just behind, God closed the waters on them drowning all the men and the beasts. (See chapters 7-14 of Exodus). 

Even to the Israelite God was a terror.   His punishment was severe to those who disobeyed his commandments. (Deuteronomy-30) “You do anything and you will be utterly destroyed.” “The Lord will smite you with fever, inflammation, drought, boils, fiery heat, madness and blasting until you perish. Your dead bodies will be food to all the birds and beasts.” (Deuteronomy 28:16-25) He frequently sent famines, plagues, hailstorms, and fire to his own people and others (Genesis 26:1, 41; 54:43; Exodus 32:35). When the Israelite made a molten calf He makes His messenger rave: “Now let me alone so that my wrath may not burn against them and consume them in a moment.” (Exodus 32:10)  
When Aron and Miriam turned against Moses, God made them leprous: (Numbers 12:9) Whenever the Israelite grumbled-often for genuine reasons-He threatened to punish them. (Numbers 24:23) When Korah organized a rebellion, God raves: Separate you from them that I may consume them (Numbers 16:20). When the Israelite began to prostitute with the daughters of Moab, God commands: take their chiefs and hang them before the Lord (Numbers 24:4).
Is this the picture of a loving and merciful God?

"I will ... trample them in my fury; and their blood ... will stain all my raiment. God's clothes will get stained with the blood of humans.” (Isaiah 63:2-6). When God gets mad -- watch out! He'll starve you to death, burn you with fire, and send vicious beasts to devour you. He'll destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling with the man of gray hairs. Not even the helpless and innocent children are spared. (Deuteronomy. 32:21-26)
God would send false prophets capable of doing miracles to test the Israelite. People would naturally start respecting them. And God would become wrath-incarnated. “If a prophet gives a sign of wonder …you shall not listen to his words. … For your Lord is testing you. You shall be after your God and fear Him.” (Deuteronomy 13:1-5). How could the people know those who performed miracles were false prophets? 
 God demanded animal and human sacrifices from the Israelite. To appease him, to get sins forgiven, to gain favors lambs, goats or bulls had to be sacrificed for Him and their blood sprinkled on the altar of the Lord and the flesh with all fat burned as the smell was most pleasing to this God. Leviticus gives details as to how animals are to be killed, their blood sprinkled and flesh burnt. Human sacrifices are not detailed in the OT but it was not repugnant to Yahweh, God asks Abraham to sacrifice His son for Him. (Genesis: 22:10) Just before Abraham was to slit the throat of Isaac, it was stopped, and a lamb was shown to take his place.                                     
The story of Job is an evidence for the atrocities of God and His complete disregard for human life. The Bible God and Satan placed a bet on whether Job would stop worshiping Him if things started turning wrong for Job. So God killed Job's children, destroyed his house and took everything away from him. As Job did not turn away, He gave him 10 other, more beautiful children. Think of God killing children and then creating more beautiful kids in a game with Satan! (Read the details of it in the book of Job.)
God is an ethnic Maniac
To settle His people He did the most vicious campaign ever known in history. One by one He annihilated the hostile kingdoms of Israel.  “Take all the fighting men to Ai as you did to Jericho … lay an ambush behind the city when you have taken the city fire it as the Lord has bidden.” (Joshua 8:1, 2 &8:8) “Israel snorted until there was none. As the Lord had commanded they hanged the king.” (Joshua 8:26)
When all the kingdoms came to attack Joshua, Lord threw heavy stones from heaven upon them and they all died.” (Joshua 10:11). God ordered the sons of Levi-Moses and Aaron-and the other members of their tribe that were "on the Lord's side" to kill "every man and his neighbor.And there fell of the people that day about 3000 men." (Exodus 32:27-28) But God wasn't satisfied with the slaughter of the 3000, so he killed some more people with a plague. (Exodus 32:35)

“Makeddah, Jericho and Libna were already annihilated. The same was later done to Lachish, Horan, Eglon, Hebron, Debir, Nageb”(Joshua 10:31-40) “When a host of enemy kings came to confront the divine army, the Lord God said: do not be afraid of them, tomorrow at this time I will slain all of them for Israel.” (Joshua 11:6)
The details of such ethnic cleansing are in the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, Zephaniah, Exodus and Deuteronomy.
“Only in the cities of these people that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them: the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against the Lord your God.”(Deuteronomy 20:16–18) 

Only an ethnic maniac can think and act like the Bible God. See His command: “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘…go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” (I Samuel 15:2-3) God killed/destroyed many of the  kingdoms of Canaan to settle to His bosom people. 

God destroys everything 
When the sons of god saw that the daughters of men were fair, they took to wife such of them as they fancied and the Lord was angry and he punished man and fixed his life-span as 120, Later,
God destroyed the entire human race in a huge flood.. God killed everyone in a single stroke. In genesis we also read how God annihilated Sodom and Gomorrah  with fire and brimstone from heaven with all the toddlers, infants and the newborns, the crippled, the aged, and the sick.

The Bible God is simply a killer-god.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How I became an atheist?

Indoctrinated into Catholicism by my parents from day 1, parish priests and sisters of my school later, I became an ardent believer. The indoctrination continued by way of everyday mediation on the Catholic doctrines, frequent retreats, daily Bible readings and reflections on their ‘truths’  in the catholic seminary where I was forced to join as an aspirant for priesthood due to poverty at home.
My lame brother who walked barefoot through the pebbles of our village’s non-asphalted road with excruciating pain every day to go and come back from college and worked hard-doing manual jobs- to meet the college expenses, died in a bus accident while he was a second year degree student. As he tried to alight, the bus accelerated and the back wheel crushed his skull killing him instantly. He had never taken a good meal or worn good clothes a single day in his whole life. This moved me so much that I started picturing God as a Cruel Monstrous Being finding happiness in the sufferings of his creation. I started abusing Him after taking Holy Communion (l believed the Almighty was inside me!)

Later, in one of our philosophy classes,  Fr. Fermin, a Spanish Carmelite, mentioned that there is no potency in God as He is Pure Act. He knows everything past and future; it is not simply that He knows them, but things happen because He knows them. I asked the learned priest: “since God determines everything, do we have to try hard to avoid sin and obey the commandments using our Free Will? It’s already known to Him from all times whether we will go to heaven or hell-whether we will commit good or bad. ” The priest was obviously not pleased. He said annoyingly quoting St. Augustine: “For those who want to know more, God has prepared a place in hell."   As most of the aspirants for priesthood were from very poor families and as they could not afford to go out of the seminary, they all sat quiet. And I said, “I will, in that case, go to hell and suffer as God wants me to.”

It was afterwards that I started reading prohibited books of the seminary library-mostly by Jewish and atheistic philosophers who wrote against Catholicism and the Christian God. I read extensively on human evolution and the origins of religions too. They gave answers to every doubt that was slowly creeping up inside me. I came to know for the first time in my life (I was just 19 then) that Bible was a fabricated story on a shadowy figure who was known as the Nazarene. They were not written by direct disciples or by historians of his time but by preachers in Greek in faraway lands after a century of his death, who wanted to project Jesus as the promised Messiah. Gospel writers appropriated Immaculate Conception, miracles, and the resurrection of the pagan gods and weaved a biography like thing of Jesus taking care to make him divine or God himself from the orally transmitted stories, and tales of the unconfirmed events to suite the vague OT prophesies.  Naturally many unclear prophesies regarding the Messiah have been shown as fulfilled in Matthew’s book. Miracles were profusely added in his life to picture him as god. Like the pagan deities he had a virgin birth and he died and rose up on the third day and ascended to heaven to sit on the right side of His Father. Preachers like St. Paul adopted all the pagan festivals like Christmas and Easter and many rituals. St. Paul gave a new meaning to his death and suffering: he suffered for our sins. The doctrine of redemption was a quick jump from there. The gospel writers, who came after Paul, wrote the gospels incorporating the Pauline theology. 
The existence of God  had been a serious issue in my mind. I knew man has been suffering since his appearance here and that nature and gods have been indifferent to him. They don’t bother whether man lives or dies; suffers or enjoys.  Natural calamities and contagious diseases have obliterated their entire societies. At least 45-50% of all children born in this world have died before reaching the age of ten. What is God’s purpose in creating them as they do not use freewill at all? Why does He create the psychotic, the mentally retarded and the imbeciles who cannot deliberate or use their freewill to merit heaven? Is He a Monster who enjoys the burlesque here? The Catholic standpoint that the fall of the first parents and that of the angels had brought in all the sufferings seems to have no meaning as the tests and the results were God's express wish. 

I had also noted that no religion defined God, his place of abode or how did he originate. Buddhism lacks any sort of a concept of god. Christianity has a trinity. Judaism and Islam have one supreme god. Hinduism is pantheistic; A few others are animistic.  Even the ultimate purpose of life is different from religion to  religion. Buddhism speaks of Nirvana-the cessation from attachment. For Christianity it is spiritual life with god in heaven. Islam’s heaven is a material one full of worldly pleasures. Hinduism promises Moksha- escape from life and rebirth cycles. Even morality is altogether different. What is good in one religion can be bad or not good in another. What is strictly enforced in a faith has no meaning in another. In short gods are different, purpose of life is different and morality is different. Sects of major religions like Christianity and Islam are fighting with each other too. Religions have waged thousands of wars and their different sects have fought and killed each other for their gods. 

I also thought about the apparitions of Mary in Fatima and Lourdes. If she appeared to the children, as believed by the Catholics, then I had to believe in her too. And I read a few books on the topic. Only those simple village girls who had been programmed to seek the help of Mother Mary in a distressing situation had seen her in a trance-like state. When there was a storm in a forest, far away from their homes, they knelt and started reciting the rosary in total fear. They looked up, and as conditioned by their minds, had a hallucinating experience of seeing Mary in the shape, dress and features they had seen her in the statues of their Church. Mother Mary had not appeared; their minds had projected their deep-rooted expectations. 

Once the apparitions were ruled out too, the step to atheism became easy and natural. I wrote then a  book entitled: “Challenge to Christianity”(I have not published it yet-but I use many of its chapters in my blogs.). I left the seminary after informing the authorities that I don't believe in any god. My archbishop, Cardinal-Joseph Parecattil, called me for a discussion  to know why I was leaving the seminary and he abruptly stopped it after one day fearing perhaps  he would lose his own faith. I have witnessed many learned Catholic priests run to the Church to pray (after discussing with me for an hour or so on what I believe) to keep their faith. I wonder how ordinary people believe all the stuff Christianity and other religions proclaim. Without childhood indoctrination no one will.