Monday, December 12, 2011

The day of any date of this year or any year of any century

“An accurate and retentive memory is the basis of all success,” says, Harry Loraine. Further, a sharp memory will help us live longer and help avoid Parkinson’s/Alzheimer’s diseases.  Is your memory sharp and accurate? One Hundred percent accuracy is only an ideal dream. Do you think it is sharp enough and good enough that you can rely on it whenever you will require its services? Or do you think it is rather fading? If it is weakening, I suggest the following memory exercise which can be done on a daily basis. It is adopted from Harry Loraine. I have used this in my memory demonstrations and I have recommended this to my seminar participants whose memory was declining.      
If you know the date of each one of the first Sundays of the current year, it is easy to know the days of any date of the same year. Since there are 12 months there will be 12 first Sundays. Note down the dates of the first Sundays from January to December for 2011. The dates are 266315374264. Since the first Sunday of January is on 2nd, the 9th, 16th, 23rd and  30th are Sundays too. As the 23rd is a Sunday the 24th will be a Monday and the 25th a Tuesday. Memorize the number for the first Sundays (by grouping them as shown: 266,315,374,264). What day will be the 8th of June 2011?  If you recollect the number, 266,315,374,264, you will know that the 5th of June is a Sunday.  Then 6th will be Monday and the 7th a Wednesday. Thus the 8th will be Wednesday. Which day will be December 25th, 2011? Go to the 12th digit of the number. The first Sunday of December is 4. Hence 11th, 18th, and 25th are Sundays.  Christmas is on a Sunday in 2011.

The day for any date for 2011 can easily be worked out in your mind, if you remember the 12 digit number above. If you can memorize the 12 digits of the previous or succeeding years you can easily remember the day for any date of the year in question too. There will be normally one day’s difference in the succeeding or proceeding years for the same dates. For instance, February 7 of 2011 is Monday.  February 7 of 2012 will be Tuesday. The rule is Ok for any day of the year if it is not a leap year. February 7 of of  2010 was a Sunday (one day ahead). To get a day of the next year corresponding to a date of this year, just take the next day of the day of this year’s date. When you want the day of the date of a previous year, take one day ahead of the day of this year for the corresponding date.

These rules do not hold good in leap years. For instance, 2012 being a leap year, there will be 29 days for February and hence after February 28th, you will have to count the second day to get the correct day for a date in 2011. For instance, if you want to know the day of March 7th, 2012, take the day of March 7th of 2011 (Monday) and take the second day after Monday. And it is Wednesday. In normal years it would be Tuesday. When going back, take one day ahead.  March 20, 2011 was Sunday and hence March 20, 2010 would have been Saturday. To get a day of a date up to 29th February take only one day ahead and for any day before Feb29, take two days ahead. March 20, 2009 would be a Friday and March 20, 2008  a Thursday. January 1st 2009 was a Thursday. But January 1st 2008 was Tuesday (take two days before as 2008 was a leap year).

One can get the day corresponding to a date of any year if you can memorize the day of particular year and then work forward or backward. But this may not be that simple when you are dealing with a day for a date of another century, say,1911.  Here it is not practically possible to go back subtracting one or two days as mentioned for one hundred years! There is an easy way out. How many leap years are there in 100 years? 25. Hence if you want to work out the day for February 7, 1911, you will have to go back by 100+25 =125 days from this year’s day for February 7 ( Monday). 125 divided by 7 gives you a quotient of 17 and reminder of 6 days. So effectively you need to go back by six days only from this year’s day and you arrive at the day as Tuesday.  February 7, 1911 was a Tuesday.  Any one of you may check this out. Any day of any year of any century can be thus be worked out mentally. You may not always get the difference of years as a number exactly divisible by 4. Suppose you want to know the Christmas day December 25th of 2013. This year’s Christmas falls on a Sunday (we have already seen it). 2013 was 98 years before. Hence you have 24 leap years. Go back 98+24=122 days back from this year’s day. 122 divided by 7 gives you 17 and a quotient of three days. Hence,  count back 3 days only from Sunday. December 25, 2013 would have been on a Thursday.  
When you go forward, similar thinking can be applied. Suppose you want to know the Christmas day of, say, 2073. This year’s as we know, falls on Sunday. 2073 is 62 years ahead. There are 15 leap years. Hence we need to count ahead 15+62=77 days. Divide 77 by 7 and you get no reminder. So, December 25th 2073 will be a Sunday! Work out the day for any date of any century before or afterwards.       
When you perform this  in our family or in a group of friends they will feel it is a great magic. And by doing this we improve the power of our memory.

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