If a child happens to be born in Somalia, it will probably
die before the age of 7 out of starvation diseases or both. A recent famine has
claimed the lives of 29000 children under the age of 5. Andrew Mitchell who
visited the country feels 400,00 will be dead. In Somalia 180 per 1000 children die at birth itself. Its chances to get educated and prosper in
life is almost nil. It may, in all probability die before reaching adulthood . Unloved,
unfed, it survives (if at all it does) amidst poverty, war and tension. (Somalia’s
Per capita income is $600/- against Luxemburg’s 55,100/- )
In USA a baby is fully planned, much before it arrives, its
parents ensure that it is provided with every conceivable amenities (good food,
proper care and medical attention) and is loved and protected. It will be sent
to the best schools and it can on its own (through part time jobs), complete
its university education and be well- placed and lead a comfortable life. Its chances of dying is very low (infant
mortality rate is only 7 in USA) and it
is assured of the country’s economic prosperity (USA per Capita Income $47,000)
An Indian child is probably born unplanned, unwanted and
takes birth into extreme poverty. There is no food as its mother’s breasts are dry with
mal-nutrition). its chances of survival is say 50,50. Iinfant mortality rate
alone is 48 per thousand. Death rate before the age of 10 is very high. If it
is a female infant it would have been probably aborted , killed at birth and
discriminated against later. The chances
that it will complete high school education are bleak if it survives childhood.
Look at Luxemburg, its per Capita income is 55,100 and its
children are taking birth into luxury and its bright future is assured by its
birth alone just like a Somalian or an Indian child’s future is doomed.
The children of Carlos Slim, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates,
Mukesh Ambani and others in the genre are born inheriting billions. They are already
multi billionaires even if they do not do anything later in life.
Can we say God ordains all these? That He, through his
Providence, kills the Somalian and other poor countries’ children, shows special
favors to those of the developed world like Luxemburg or the US and sends poverty to
the ones of India, Bangladesh and hosts of others whose survival is highly an improbability?
What type of a dispensation is this? Is it just as every child is created in the image of god? I am not able to understand. If somebody can clarify, I would be grateful.
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