What do you want to be after 10
years from now? If you can see clearly
what you want, in all probability you will get it. But if you don’t foresee
what you want, you will have to be content with what comes along. And you will
term it fate or destiny although there is nothing like that.
LabelsThere is a simple but fool-proof
way to attain what you want. imagine your future into reality. Your mental pictures determine your future;
they attract to you the opportunities, personal contacts, financial and other
means to reach your goals.
If you picture yourself a pauper
you will become so; if you think of success or fame you will get them too. All
of the great thinkers and seers throughout history have affirmed that every
person becomes what he or she thinks. The saying, ‘as a man thinketh so is he’
is very much true. Even Buddha taught, ‘all that we are is the result of what
we have thought.’ As the rich picture and see more wealth mentally they become
richer. The poor sees poverty, wants and diseases all the time in their inner
eye and they become poorer and sicker. Your mental pictures provide
motivational guidance and condition your attitudes so that you will act in a
guided manner to achieve the objectives you hold
Nobody can get rich by receiving handouts from another. Prosperity
begins with one’s own thoughts. It is absolutely one’s own initiative. The
poverty of the people can be removed only when they change their thoughts, when
they become prosperity conscious. Every human being has the potential to create
wealth, position or fame. They need first to change their perception. You
can be so much more than what you are now. You have no control on what has
happened to you. Accept it. But you have perfect control on your future. Your
time on this earth is meant for success, and happiness. Start to create that
destiny from right now.
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