Monday, December 7, 2015

Christ was made a god out of sheer necessity

The OT God was an incarnation of revenge, ethnic cleansing, murder, beheader of firstborns, anger, rape, incest, sex, oppression of women, loving animal and human sacrifices and lover of nudity of His prophets. Modern day terrorists and serial killers must have learnt a lesson or two from the OT practices like stoning adulterous women, raping, oppressing women, beheading firstborns, massacring people and animals and annihilating entire opposition armies even by throwing heavy stones from heaven. What kind of a designer or a creator can be so cruel and indifferent? What kind of a god will choose to reveal Himself to semi-stupefied peasants in the desert regions? 

A considerable part of the Bible-the Old Testament-are narrations regarding their lives, animal sacrifices, rituals, wars, cruelty, social life and relationship with their tribal god. The choosing of a small tribe, at a particular period of human history, to reveal His mind and His grand plan to redeem man from the pits they had been thrown into  with the original sin, is against the universality of any Supreme, all-loving Being. Those who lived before Christ and the vast majority of those who lived later have not even heard of Him. Why should man read this stuff intended for a minuscule tribe and accessed by a minority of the world population even after the coming of Jesus? 

Thomas Paine in his “The Age of Reason” has amply shown that most of what is in the OT has been stolen from pagan sources. The story of Adam and Eve comes from Babylonia, its flood, deluge, Arc and Arafat come from deluge myths and even the names of Noah and sons are copies. Moses is fashioned after the Syrian Mises. Its laws are from Hammurabi’s code. Its Messiah is derived from the Egyptian Mahdi (savior).He mentions that certain verses are verbatim copies of Egyptian scriptures. 

 Gerald Massy (1828 – 1907, an English poet and writer on Spiritualism and Ancient Egypt) has found 137 parallels between Jesus and Egyptian god, Horus which he details in His book, ‘The Natural Genesis.’ Both Horus and Jesus were born of virgins on 25th December and they died by crucifixion and were resurrected three days later. He also finds a parallel between Biblical Lazarus raised by Jesus and El-Asar-Us a title of Osiris.

 “The Jesus Mysteries: Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?” is a 1999 book by British authors Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. It is an    investigation of early Christianity prior to the 4th century CE, when direct political intervention by the Roman Emperor Constantine forced various competing Christian sects to unify under ‘the Nicene Creed.’  There persisted manifestations of a single cult of a dying and rising ‘god man myth,’ known as Osiris-Dionysus. The authors maintain that Jesus was not a historical figure, but a re-interpretation by Gnostics of the fundamental pagan god-man. 

Freke and Gandy base their thesis partly on a series of parallels between their suggested biography of Osiris-Dionysus compiled from the myths of ancient dying and resurrecting god- men, and the biography of Jesus as in the four canonical gospels.

Kersey Graves (1813-1883), compared Yeshua's (Jesus’s) and Krishna's life. He found out what he believed were 346 elements in common within the Christian and the Hindu writings.
 But it could be possible that Jesus Christ’s stories as portrayed in the gospels were more influenced by the Greco Roman gods- than Krishna. Parallel between the story of Jesus Christ in the Gospels and the Greco Roman god Dionysus, Egyptian God Horus, Persian Mithras, Greek god Apollonius of Tyana and other pagan gods is so strong that his life could have been fashioned after theirs.

Dan Brown, the author of the DaVinci Code, says “nothing in Christianity is original” and he promotes the idea that these mythological figures served as the basis for the Gospel accounts of Jesus Christ. The similarities between the stories and characters in the Bible and those from previous mythologies are both undeniable and well-documented. Jesus’s Story is an obvious rehashing of the numerous Pagan gods. He demonstrates these concepts in his book, 

Mithras had 12 disciples, and when he was done on earth he had a final meal before going up to heaven. On the final day he will return to pass judgment on the living and the dead. The good will go to heaven, and the evil will die in a giant fire. His followers called themselves “brothers”, and their leaders “fathers”. They had baptism and a meal ritual where symbolic flesh and blood were eaten. Heaven was in the sky, and hell was below with demons and sinners. This is what St. Paul taught the early Christians. St Paul gave a meaning to Jesus' death-that he died for the sins of man- and St. Paul established a Religion. Christ was born, lived and died a Jew.

The writers of gospels, for obvious reasons, introduced a number of miracles into the life of Christ; as many of the young gods of the cults walked over water, cured the crippled, gave sight to the blind, made water into wine in a marriage party and rose up the dead. All the gods of the mystery cults resurrected and the founder of the new religion, Jesus Christ, could not be an exception. The evangelists introduced the story of the empty tomb, disappearance of his body from his grave and his apparition to some women and disciples. Jesus had been made to resurrect on the third day.

Against the Greco Roman background, a new religion had to have a god as its founder and not a poor man-Nazarene; hence the evangelists elevate him to godhood. This god, like all the gods of the mystery cults, had to be born of a virgin mother. Thus the writer-preachers adopt the story of Immaculate Conception with god’s angel appearing to Mary and so on. 

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