Monday, February 13, 2012

'Lucky People'

 Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the world (1930s) was born in such a poor background that he had to steal apples from a nearby estate just to survive. When the owner came to now of this he set his dogs on him. Andrew ran and he managed to climb on to the wall. He declared to that arrogant owner, “When I grow up I will buy this estate of yours.”   Later, he migrated to USA and worked in a steel mill.. He continued there until he fully understood how to make and market steel. Later, he started a mill of his own. The rest is history. He became the richest man of his times. 

Henri Ford started as a mechanic for a meager $2 a month when he was a little more than a boy!  After years of hard work he was promoted as foreman and later, with the money he saved, he started a small workshop and slowly he built up an industrial estate. Rock feller was a little luckier. He could start with $4 a month! He too worked his way up and became very rich later. 

Thomas Alva Edison was sent out of the school. But his poor mother refused to take the teacher’s words and she taught him.. By the age of 10 he was selling newspapers. He started  experiments in his little home. This is the boy who later patented  thousands of inventions! Inventions did not come very easy. When he was working on the electric bulb, he failed over 10,000 times. His friends and family members asked him, “Have you gone mad?” “Well, I know 10,000 things that won’t work. Hence I am nearer to my goal than I ever was,”  The very next day the Tungsten filament was identified and electric bulb became a reality. No wonder he said, “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”   

 Helen Keller was blind, deaf and mute.  Her teacher, Ann Sullivan had to take her to a river and put her feet in the running water and later,  pour a number of buckets of water over her head to make her feel  “WATER” Just to learn one word she had to struggle so much!. Still, she mastered  words and later wrote  many books and traveled all over the world inspiring the blind, the crippled and the sick.
Wilma Rudolf was a black child born to illiterate parents. When she was 2 she was afflicted with polio and she lay in a corner of her hut cursing herself. But her mother  used to tell her, “Wilma you will be able to walk, run and do anything like any other girl.”  She repeated this for years. When Wilma was nine, she told her  “Mother, I want to be the world champion in running.”     The very next day she threw away the braces that were kept to straighten her legs. With great difficulty, she tried to stand up but fell down. She tried again, fell again. Thousands of attempts followed! It took her almost one year to stand up. With another year’s efforts she could put a step forward.  She managed to slowly walk! Running was a natural step forward. Immediately, she arranged running competitions with her neighborhood children. But she was the last to finish. . She decided then and there to beat them and started practicing. Within a year she ran ahead of all of them. Later, she went to a sports university and practiced harder. In the 1960 Rome Olympics this polio affected girl won 3 gold medals becoming the undisputed champion of the world!  
Learn your own lessons from these.  

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